Shame on Japan!

Nearing the end of my Winter vacation and my first year in SK, I am staying in Seoul this week.  I have a long list, which is not yet completely exhausted, of thing to see and do in Seoul.

I was carrying out some further research into an itinerary for tomorrow after spending the day in Sinchon, taking in Ewha Womans University, Bongwonsa Temple and Hongdae. Incidentally I had the great fortune to read Groove Magazine last night and was pointed in the direction of Gusto Taco for lunch, I was not disappointed. The home-made beef taco’s were mouth-watering, I cannot list the superlatives, so the next time you’re in the Hongdae area (5 minutes from Hongik station) take in Gusto Taco (

I will update the blog from Saturday on my return to Chungju but this post I had to be completed today. I think it was the visit to Ewha that got me thinking.  I have always been a great supporter of women’s equality in being given access to education but also general equal opportunities.

In relation to the Korean war I discovered that last December surviving halmeoni and 3,000 supporters reached a significant milestone. Despite the normal issues of old age, these elderly, former so-called “comfort women” held their 1,000th weekly protest against their sexual enslavement by the Japanese military during World War II. Of an estimated 200,000 girls and women, the majority of whom were Korean, just 63 of those who registered with the South Korean government are still living, with most in their 80s and 90s. Until they receive an official apology and reparations, the halmeoni pledge to continue their courageous Wednesday morning protests at the Japanese Embassy.

Please help spread the word and put pressure on the Japanese government to acknowledge the disgraceful actions of their servicemen.

Japan you should be ashamed!